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Headteacher's access area

Regain Control, Reinvest, and Stretch Your Budget

Financial Efficiency - Save AND Earn

Your school saves money with us - that is guaranteed...

You can also earn in-kind benefits, ranging from £2950-£4900 through our holiday club scheme.

Deadline for entries is 31st October!
Our wrap around care offers substantially more income generation too!


Explore a partnership with a discovery day here.

How We Help Schools All Across Leicestershire

PE Facilitation

1 to 4 days available

Wrap Around Care

Parent or School Funded

  • 4x CPD events included.

  • Complimentary Lunch time leaders programme

  • Cover all of your year groups with one or two PE lessons per week. 

  • ACTUALLY upskill your teachers

  • PPA Cover 

  • Use us for your Ofsted deep dive - 100% success rate to date!

  • 12x competition entries 

Local Authorities are applying demands and pressure to provide wrap around from 8:00am - 6:00pm. We know you have enough on your plate for the school day, so we are here to alleviate the pressures with our comprehensive wrap around provision, which includes full access to a range of enrichment activities. We are proud to offer delivery content that is otherwise underutilised, such as music lessons, bilingual lessons, nerf wars and more.  

Holiday Camps

HAF funded, and non funded camps

One of the most impactful provisions for families in need. Whether it is funded through the local authority, or paid for by parents, we provide easy to access, on your doorstep holiday camps that act as a hub for parents in need of support over the holiday periods. We are proud to have been granted successful bids in every round of funding by Leicester City Council and Leicestershire County Councils!

 Receive up to £4900 of in-kind services

Enquire with us today to see how much you could receive.

Which of our services are you interested in (select as many as you require).

Thanks for submitting!

Reach out for exclusive free discovery days

Limited Free PE days available

Which of our services are you interested in (select as many as you require).

Thanks for submitting!

We serve as a great solution to ease workload for the ever-increasing demand on teachers timetables, and there is no compensation for quality, as our delivery team are vetted, qualified, and upskilled by experts in coaching, education, behaviour management and psychology. 

Brief overviews are given for each programme, please contact us for a full run down of each programme. 


Children's Soccer Coach

Physical Education

Cover all your PE needs.

Doing Homework


Increase your support for pupils, and improve efficiency of teachers time.

Eating Breakfast

Breakfast Clubs

Wake and Shake, wrap around care. 

Basketball Match

School Competitions

Intra and inter competitions

Martial Arts Class

Wrap Around Care

Outsource the workload and delivery of childcare

Drama Class

Dance and Gymnastics

Don't compromise, embed your EMPWR Dance Teacher into your PE

Soccer Practice

After School Clubs

Sports specific, and wrap around care. 

Sport Tactics

PPA Cover

Gain additional, valuable PPA cover via sports.


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